Dear Premier,
Re: Urgent advice sought on Windsor Bridge 'maintenance' works.
Congratulations on your recent electoral victory, we look forward to working with you and our new Parliamentary representative to achieve a just infrastructure outcome for the Hawkesbury.
Premier, as per advice received from the RMS, contractors have started working on our historic Windsor Bridge. Yesterday, those contractors advised the recently arrived barge and scaffolding are being used by contractors to reach and remove deteriorated concrete. This appears to be good news. However the contractors also said they were not repairing the deteriorated concrete, just removing it. They told us the RMS planned to use other contractors to inspect the exposed reinforcement and exposed concrete. This inspection should occur by Thursday.
Could you please urgently explain what is happening, the estimated costs and whether all work is being carried out in conformance with the new requirements of AS 5100 Part 8.
Whilst we applaud any action by the Government to renovate and maintain a bridge long neglected by your Roads Department, the process, as outlined by the contractors gives no assurance of remediation actually occurring. Indeed the work plan is causing some surprise, given the previous investigations and reports on the condition of the bridge. Why the need for additional investigations by a different contractor?
Premier, the community would be deeply offended were the RMS to use the exercise to more aggressively pursue their bridge demolition agenda. Any attempt to further justify the current third-rate plan will simply compound already rampant local hostility and suspicion regarding Option One.
Your urgent assurances are sought on these matters. Please be advised this correspondence is being published on our social media platforms. Your reply will also be published.
Yours sincerely,
Community Action for Windsor Bridge Inc.