Myth - The Lane widths are Dangerously narrowThe lanes on the Windsor Bridge are 3.05 metres wide. When compared to other existing roads and bridges, we find that the lanes on Windsor Bridge are as wide, if not wider than many busy, high traffic routes in Sydney. (See the slideshow below)
Whilst it is desirable to have lane widths of 3.5 metres wide, the recent independent traffic report from Cambray Consulting found that "Austroads Part 3 and the RTA Supplement to this guideline suggest a lane width of 3.0m – 3.3m may be acceptable for general traffic lanes on urban arterial roads which are low speed, and where truck volumes are low." (pg. 10). It is also useful to note that when the Option 1 bridge is repainted to be 3 lanes, they will be 3.3 metres wide. Building a bypass for trucks and through traffic, and maintaining the existing bridge for light and local traffic, will eliminate any concern of trucks having to pass on the 'quite acceptable width' bridge. |