Roads Minister Duncan Gay stated (Hansard, October 14, 2014), that funds for Windsor Bridge were allocated to the controversial Tibby Cotter Bridge on the basis of “delays and planning challenges through the court system”, thereby suggesting to parliament that the funds were reallocated due to the CAWB court challenge. Minister Gay endorsed the reallocation of funds on February 28, 2014. At this time CAWB itself (as the group responsible for the case) was still in discussions with legal advisors. A decision to go ahead was only made just prior to affidavits being served. Affidavits were served on the RMS and Minister for Planning on March 24, 2014. |
On the date the Minister endorsed the reallocation of Windsor Bridge Funds he could not have known with any certainty there would be a court case.
Supporting documents can be seen below.
Supporting documents can be seen below.
NSW Parliament
Legislative Chamber
Hansard 14.10.14
Legislative Chamber
Hansard 14.10.14