At Community Action for Windsor Bridge we believe public funds should be spent on progressive infrastructure benefitting communities. We also believe infrastructure should respect, and even enhance local culture and heritage. We believe in the Australian ideal of a “fair go”.
Challenging the NSW government’s plan to build a destructive arterial road through the oldest town square in Australia, and ultimately pursuing these ideals resulted in us being labelled “anarchists”. Are you an “anarchist”? Do you believe that building an arterial road through the birth place of a fair go is a travesty? Do you believe that replacing a two lane bridge with a two lane bridge is patently ridiculous? Do you believe the Hawkesbury deserves an additional river crossing to ease it's traffic chaos? Do you believe Windsor deserves a bypass? Why not snap up an “anarchist” t-shirt? Or an “anarchist” onesie for your little one? All profits go to the continued fight to save Thompson Square. |