1st October 2014
The Hon. Paul Toole MP.
Minister for Local Government
52 Martin Place
Dear Minister
Re: Hawkesbury City Council
Residents of the Hawkesbury LGA have, for some time now, been observing the dysfunctional behaviour exhibited in Hawkesbury City Council meetings with increasing dismay. Currently, meetings attract a full gallery of concerned residents, frequently the numbers attending spill out into the lobby and sometimes outside.
Public attendance continues to grow as increasing numbers of residents are impacted by the poor decisions emanating from the Chamber.
On Tuesday, 30 September, Councillor Mary Lyons-Buckett endeavoured to initiate a discussion regarding a damaging statement made by Hawkesbury Mayor, Councillor Kim Ford. The matter related to CAWB and is, in our opinion, defamatory of this organisation and completely unfounded.
What followed was of even greater concern: the Mayor used his Mayoral casting vote to quash any debate regarding his own behaviour. That this behaviour damaged a reputable local community group without a shred of justification is bad enough. That the Mayor was so bereft of integrity that he remained in the Chamber is cause for considerable concern, particularly given his use of Mayoral privilege to gag debate on the issues.
Minister, there is a genuine crisis in the Hawkesbury. It goes very deep and is not confined to procedural matters. I urge you to seriously consider options available to the Government to investigate and address these long-standing issues and would be happy to meet with you to elaborate further on community concerns.
Yours sincerely,
Community Action for Windsor Bridge (CAWB)
PO Box 241
Windsor, 2756
[email protected]
The Hon. Paul Toole MP.
Minister for Local Government
52 Martin Place
Dear Minister
Re: Hawkesbury City Council
Residents of the Hawkesbury LGA have, for some time now, been observing the dysfunctional behaviour exhibited in Hawkesbury City Council meetings with increasing dismay. Currently, meetings attract a full gallery of concerned residents, frequently the numbers attending spill out into the lobby and sometimes outside.
Public attendance continues to grow as increasing numbers of residents are impacted by the poor decisions emanating from the Chamber.
On Tuesday, 30 September, Councillor Mary Lyons-Buckett endeavoured to initiate a discussion regarding a damaging statement made by Hawkesbury Mayor, Councillor Kim Ford. The matter related to CAWB and is, in our opinion, defamatory of this organisation and completely unfounded.
What followed was of even greater concern: the Mayor used his Mayoral casting vote to quash any debate regarding his own behaviour. That this behaviour damaged a reputable local community group without a shred of justification is bad enough. That the Mayor was so bereft of integrity that he remained in the Chamber is cause for considerable concern, particularly given his use of Mayoral privilege to gag debate on the issues.
Minister, there is a genuine crisis in the Hawkesbury. It goes very deep and is not confined to procedural matters. I urge you to seriously consider options available to the Government to investigate and address these long-standing issues and would be happy to meet with you to elaborate further on community concerns.
Yours sincerely,
Community Action for Windsor Bridge (CAWB)
PO Box 241
Windsor, 2756
[email protected]